5 Ways To Lighten Up About Other People

In-laws that make you want to scream. Colleagues that make you want to leave. Friends that don’t share. Neighbours that just don’t care. Parents that don’t get it. And lovers that always sweat it.

We want them to be different. We wish they would do things the way we would. We get fired up. We get let down.

Working with, living with, and co-existing with other human beings can be one of the aspects of life that challenges our peaceful state of mind the most.

Challenging yes. But suffering is optional.

Very optional.

It depends how you choose to view all the shenanigans.

Here are 5 shifts in consciousness that can help you lighten up about other people:

1. What ever is going on, it’s perfect. Years ago all us souls agreed to put on a human suit and came down to experience all kinds of adventures and learn a whole bunch of lessons. Whether you’re deeply involved, mildly affected, or merely observing, all events and situations are unfolding as a way to edge us souls  further along in our evolution. Because everyone is here on their own little missions, what we see each other do or get mucking around trying to do stuff together are the divine dramas that gives us yet another opportunity to remember who we really are (which is joy) and reclaim that true nature in the midst of all the challenges of being a human. We show up to figure out ways to find our way home. Be that source of light we showed up as. What ever it is about that person or what ever happened that has you all in a tizzy is perfect. For them and you. How do I know this? Because it’s happening.

2. No matter what, it’s not about you. We can save ourselves a great deal of suffering by not taking things personally and see it for what it is – a sacred part of their human experience. As much as we kind of dig thinking that that everything is about us, what humans do and think, exists out of what agenda their soul agreed to before they zipped up their human suit and pursued life down here on earth. It’s never about you, but it is always about them finding their way back home.

3. People are always doing their very best. Yes, despite what we expect of the world and what we think people “should” be doing, thinking, or saying, everyone is doing their best. We are all at different points in our missions so based on the information and the experiences they have gathered thus far, this is all they’ve got. You choose the rest.

4. It’s none of your business. Aside from when people are in danger, coming to the rescue doesn’t serve anyone involved well. What other people doing, thinking, and saying is between them and the universe. If you’ve got advice and know “what’s best”, resist the urge to try and fix someone and something that is already perfect.

5. You are here to love. We’ve been conditioned to think that we’re here to do a hell of a lot more, but to find ways to be a source of light in this world is why we come down here and attempt this human experience in the first place. If we can choose to just love each other without any attachment to any of the outcomes that come from their human experience, that is compassion. Acting as if one outcome is good and another is bad is judgement.

It’s all good, baby.

Big Love,




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