YOU GOTTA LAUGH: Wit And Wisdom About Not Taking Life (Or Yourself) Too Seriously
You can’t help but laugh as Susan Stewart offers her perspectives on life (and the many ways it dares us to complain) and shares ways to meet adversity with a positive outlook, a resilient spirit, and of course, a sense of humour. This book is a perfect combination of entertainment and inspiration. Get your copy today and put it on your bedside table for those times you start taking life (or yourself) too seriously.
Reaching The Laugh Resort: Why The Journey To Being Who You (Really) Are Is Worth The Jet Lag
Susan Stewart takes you along her journey of healing by examining limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that were dimming her light. In this insightful book, you will travel with Stewart to explore mindful practices and soulful perspectives that can help you reclaim that joyful nature you showed up with at the beginning of your life.
Your New Lenses Are Ready For Pick Up: A Guide To Seeing The Lighter Side Of Life
The new lenses that await you require no prescription or trip to the optician and yet, they’ll make you look and feel like a million bucks. Well, maybe they won’t make you look any better, but then again, isn’t everyone more attractive when they smile? Susan Stewart offers up an entertaining collection of insights, ideas, and concepts aimed at exercising our freedom of choice and seeing the lighter side of life’s inevitable challenges. Susan draws on her (far too extensive) personal experiences of taking life far too seriously and offers up this entertaining and inspiring book full of perspectives that will help you be more resilient in the face of adversity and uncertainty.