Crisis Or Opportunity? It Depends On How You Look At It…

The Chinese character used for the word, “crisis”, is the same character used for the word, “opportunity”.

When I discovered that fact, I thought it was rather appropriate because those two experiences are synonymous. As I scan my life for those times when the !@#$ hit the fan, I see how it was also some sort of opportunity for me to shift, grow, and expand in some way. As I stood among the ashes, there was always an opportunity to rise up.

When you look back and see the times in your life that you considered a “crisis”, can you also see the many and varied opportunities you received to change your mind, correct your thinking, or see things in a new way?

Losing your job is an opportunity to take a risk or live more authentically.

Being in a toxic relationship is an opportunity to love yourself enough to get the hell out.

Experiencing illness or an injury is an opportunity to see how strong you really are.

Falling on hard financial times is an opportunity to be aware of, and grateful for, the abundance that does exist in your life.

A loved one dying is an opportunity to recognize the power in enjoying the life you have.

Because the words, “crisis” and “opportunity” truly are one and the same, in my efforts to see the lighter side of life, I’ve decided to only use the positive word.

Try it.

When things get really hectic at work, put that positive spin on things and say, “I can’t cope with one more opportunity today. Every day it’s just one more opportunity after another.” And if you have a teenager, you can switch the words in your head as you’re hearing them being uttered. The next time your teenage son or daughter is having a “moment”, all you will hear is, “Mom! Dad! You don’t understand! I’m dealing with a major opportunity right now!

See? Much better.

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